Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Almost panic state

I'm going to be spending pretty much all the upcoming weekends till the end of October visiting schools and since I am getting freebie stays in each of the school cities with friends, it also means I'll be spending a lot of time having fun...

All fun and no work makes a girl panic before application deadlines.

All my essays look OK but I need to break through from that OK state to perfection.


I am also a little confused. I have realized while reading through my essays that they don't have a lot of the "buzzwords" used in MBA applications like "envision" or "expertise". I'm beginning to wonder if it would have been a good idea to pony up the big bucks for a professional to have a look at them.

There is a thin line between sounding polished and sounding fake. As there is one between honesty and being shabby. That's what I am obsessing about currently.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

A big GMAT guru I am not, but applications are my thing and I would definitely opt for fewer buzzwords and a story that resonates and that is credible. I can't wait ti get the GMAT out of the way and start writing essays! Good luck!